1.2 Academic Flexibility


1.2.1 Percentage of new courses introduced out of the total number of courses across all programmes offered during the last five years


List of New Courses Introduced from 2018-2023 View



Factors supporting Key Indicator

Academic Year 

Link to the Document

1.2.1 Academic Council Meeting Resolutions 2022-23 View
1.2.1 2021-22 View
1.2.1 2020-21 View
1.2.1 2019-20 View
1.2.1 2018-19 View
1.2.1 BoS Resolutions 2022-23 View
1.2.1 2021-22 View
1.2.1 2020-21 View
1.2.1 2019-20 View
1.2.1 2018-19 View