2.3 Teaching-Learning process

2.3.1 Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experience and teachers use ICT- enabled tools including online resources for effective teaching and learning process

Academic Year Report on Student Centric Activities
2018-19 View
2019-20 View
2020-21 View
2021-22 View
2022-23 View


2.3.2 The institution adopts effective Mentor-Mentee Schemes to address academics and student-psychological issues

Mentor-Mentee Activities View
Additional Information View




2.3.3 Preparation and adherence of Academic Calendar and Teaching plans by the institution

Preparation & Adherence of Academic Calendar View


Academic Year Academic Calendar & Teaching Plans
2018-19 View
2019-20 View
2020-21 View
2021-22 View
2022-23 View