Strengths .
1. The Department has the privilege of doing Major Research Project of Rs.9,32,000 sanction by UGC in the year 2014 entitled “Swathantothar Hindi Katha Sahithy main Mithkiya Chethana aur Jeevan Darshan” to Dr. M.Prabhavathi (Retd.) Department of Hindi which is a source of inspiration to the new faculty of the Department.
2. The Department in Collaboration with Sanskrit Department conducted UGC sponsored One Day National Workshop on “Literature and Human Values” on 31st January 2017 in which Eminent resource persons from the different Universities of the country were united Dr. D.N.Srivastava Editor,Astitva Jagaran ,New Delhi addressed on developing Human Values through Literature.
3. The Department conducted Two Day National Webinar on “Saahithy-Vyakthitv Vikaas” on 24 & 25 January 2024 with eminent resource persons from the different Universities of the country- Prof.SVSSN Raju Head of the Department Hindi, Tamilnadu Central University,, Tamil Nadu. Dr. P. Srinivaasarao Asst Proffecer, Dhakshina Bharath Hindi Prachar Sabha, Belagam, Viziawada addressed on Personality Development through Literature.
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